From benefiting families to generating income and helping the community, learn why your neighbors built an ADU.
Donal and Brenda: Teacher housing now and options for later
“We thought about building an ADU for years. Converting our garage to a cottage would give us a lot of options. We are in good health but know at some point we will slow down and could use it for caretakers, caregivers or family members. And since we are retired teachers, we liked the idea of providing affordable teacher housing in the meantime.”
Cheryl, Lee and Kathy: A home for three generations
“It was tough to find something affordable, so my mom threw out the idea that we move into the pool house temporarily. Since my family moved in thirty years ago, they had added a bathroom and closet, but it wasn’t very livable, so we started talking about renovation. At first, my mom and I were pretty skeptical, but my husband took on the project and ran with it. We worked with a contractor he knew from high school who found us a great architect, and it was completed in a year.”
Jane and Doug: Providing affordable housing in Mill Valley
“We had a pool table in the basement that had entertained the boys for many years, and once they left, it mostly gathered dust. We were aware of housing problems even then in Marin because people would post ads looking for units, so you could learn something about them before renting.”
Julie and Tim: Downsizing for more freedom
“It’s simpler and easier to live in an ADU. We have a smaller footprint with less stuff and will be able to have the mobile lifestyle we want. Before we were both working full-time in San Francisco and killing ourselves. Now, we don’t need two incomes. Eventually we hope to live six months here and six months of the year in places like San Jose del Cabo, Mexico.”
Looking for inspiration? Explore more floor plans
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“I can’t emphasize enough how useful having an ADU will be for us in the future. And being able to provide housing priced below market for teachers now is great.”